Monday, 20 September 2021

The truth about pirates

 The truth about pirates Historical shiver fear 

Shiver to shake slightly as from cold or fear shiver noun kids definition of shiver entry 2 as from emotional

Historical of or concerning history or past events historical evidence 

Fear an unpleasant emotion caused by the threat of danger pain or harm

Wednesday, 28 July 2021

letter writing

 we ae learning to recognise emotions around receiving and sending a letter 

if i was to recive a letter i would be happy.

Thursday, 24 June 2021

blog profile

 Hello my name is Korben i am a year 6 i go to blaketown school i have 2 step brothers and 3 step sisters my culture is nz kiwis

I am good at rugby i enjoy playing rugby i have 5 friends and 1 best friend and i like to watch movies and to play video games  my goals are to get better at math and writing 

And i am looking forwerd to my birthday